So who will ultimately be blamed for it? Given obama's recent plea to everyone but white males for votes in the upcoming election, it's safe to say they are going to do everything they can to pin this bombing on the Tea Party Movement. Just wait and see.
Why would they do that? Well, the people are calling obama on the carpet for the wasteful spending he's doing, the socialist leanings he is clearly taking America toward, and his general craziness as of late as he leans toward a dictatorship of our country. The problem is that he can't disprove anything they're saying. Oh, he makes fun of them and calls them names, but he can't provide any concrete rebuttal to what they are saying. Even as the reports continued to pour in last week about the rising costs of obamacare and how the figures were available to the Senators before the vote but was ignored, obama was still saying it was a good idea.

I could be wrong, and I'm man enough to admit it, but this whole thing just smacks of suspicion to me. It's all too conveniently placed. obama and democrats needed a solution to discredit the "teabaggers", and I think this is what their guys came up with. Even as terrorist organizations all over the world are scrambling to take credit for this, authorities are saying again and again this isn't from some organized terrorist it's some kind of new group to deal with. The problem they have is that the real bad guys won't leave them alone long enough to plant the evidence to discredit the Tea Partiers.
We'll see what happens. I hope I'm wrong, but given obama's cold-hearted tactics toward all who oppose his regime it seems very likely.
1 comment:
Nice post. After the Christmas Day fiasco which has since been shown beyond a shred of doubt to have been from the inside, I thought they (the State) would be more careful about provacations, but this has all the markings....The State is afraid of the Tea Party and can't fight it on intellectual grounds in the 'marketplace of ideas.' As such, the state has to resort to strong-arm tactics. I am afraid this has been a long time in the making now and it's hard to see how to stop the momentum.
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